Physical Valuation
Physical Valuation
Physical Valuation
We offer a pre-paid valuation service to any India inland address.
For This Service You Need to pay our Service Fee + Return Postage ( if collection not sold to us).
How it works
You can send us up to one box (maximum weight 10kg) to us via Courier/ India Post for a verbal valuation. Parcel must be well packed. Please ensure you include both your email address and phone number.
We advise an estimated market value and a possible offer to buy your stamps. You are under no obligation to sell your stamps.
We then either send you payment for the stamps or we arrange with you a convenient day for the stamps to be returned by courier/ India Post.
If you decide to sell your stamps to us, the return postage cost will be reimbursed when we send you the payment. Our service fee will not be refunded.